Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I know I haven't updated much lately, and I apologize wholeheartedly. I've seriously been slacking on healthy eating seeing as I've been in a strange transitional phase in my life (graduating college, living nomadically, moving into a new apt.) and while I still generally try to eat healthy- at times it is hard and I haven't been putting as much of an emphasis on it, and I also haven't been working out as much. This has caused a sort of negative downward spiral that of course led me to not update this blog as much.

This week I will be settled into my new apartment and I will be endeavoring to get back in my normal routine again. I'll blog more often on this blog and keep you updated on my journey of health in a completely new environment, where fresh and healthy foods are more readily available and things such as gourmet vegetarian restaurants exist!

So stay tuned :)