Sunday, May 16, 2010


Okay, So I realize I haven't posted in awhile. Shameful, I know! But as I was enjoying my lovely smeal (More than a snack, but less than a meal.) I realized that people should all know about it. So here it is. This is something that I eat alot here recently and is very filling and tasty- the Banana Dog. This is how its made:

1.) Spread peanut butter onto a whole grain tortilla or piece of whole grain bread.
2.) Sprinkle crushed almonds onto the tortilla or bread slice
3.) Place a banana in the middle
4.) Wrap or fold in half. And there you go- the Banana Dog. It's basically the concept of the peanut butter and banana sandwich, but just twisted a bit.

It's very tasty, and very healthy as well. A great SMEAL!

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