Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day?

So today is Earth Day and to celebrate Earth Day, they had a special menu on main campus (Although not at the downtown market, mind you). This was the menu:

Creamy Vegetable Casserole
Sun-dried Tomato Pasta
Jasmine Rice
Cauliflower with Lemon
Roasted Root Vegetables

Grilled Vegetable Skewers
Portobello Burgers

Salad Bar:
Cabbage Fruit and Nut Slaw
Roasted Corn & Black Bean Salad
Broccoli Salad
Mango and Green Pea Salad

And a student was cooking her own recipe of vegan chili as well.

Needless to say, I was super excited and thought it would transfer to the downtown market as well, and was looking forward to it, especially since I had been out of groceries... and was very disappointed when it was not there. And even if I had traveled to main campus, as much as I appreciate CSU's effort, I do have to say that I wish they would offer these things not just ONE day a year. It's like... every other day they offer things like fried chicken, pizza, hamburgers and fries, etc... and maybe have ONE healthy option. The thing that really annoyed me the most about this, however, was the fact that everybody was complaining about it. SERIOUSLY!? It's so bizarre if you really think about it. People beg to be fed over processed, greasy, fattening food that leads to disease, weight gain, along with a myriad of other negative effects and COMPLAIN when they are actually offered something that is beneficial AND tasty. it's not like they were being offered pieces of plain lettuce and wheatgrass smoothies. There were PASTA dishes. And I'm sure many people didn't even TRY these things that they probably would have ended up liking, just because it's "healthy." Sometimes I get angered at how many people turn their noses at something just because it's supposed to be healthy. It's like... "Oh, it's actually good for my body and will make me feel 100 million times better than I do now while eating the junk that I eat? There were no animals harmed in the process? This is natural and from the earth? This is DiSGUSTING AND UNNATURAL!!!!"

It's a shame how we are so programmed to believe a plate of fried, antibiotic/hormone ridden chicken and fries is a normal meal, and the things that I posted above are not normal, even though they are whole foods, not processed at all and just natural foods. I just think it's sad, honestly.

I just hope one day people realize what they are eating and realize just how much your diet correlates to your immune system, propensity to get sick, weight gain, headaches, fatigue, etc. It's not normal to feel that way. But we are programmed to think it's normal, and just down an energy drink and a coke and you'll feel better, or, just pop a few pills. While in actuality these things only cover things up and/or make them worse.

*sigh* Anyways. I just had to rant again. I just wish people would realize these things, and if they so choose to eat junk 24/7 at least be open to when we are offered something GOOD for us for once, instead of complaining. But like I said before, people have to take their own journeys in realizing how important your health really is.

1 comment:

  1. Point blank - America is fat because America CHOOSES to be fat.

    There are, of course, some people with thyroid issues that remain overweight despite their best efforts to live a healthy lifestyle, but the majority of fat and/or out of shape Americans choose their fate. Fries are not a vegetable. Heck, POTATOES are not vegetables. I cannot stand to hear someone complain about their weight if they are eating fries with every meal and chugging down coke like its water. We have to be mindful of what we put in our bodies. If the body is truly a temple, we cannot desecrate it with over-processed crap!

    I'm right there with you.
